

Current Problems : Rising cost of property prices has put owning a dream home beyond the means of young fellow Malaysians. On top of that, the generally homogenous design of houses means that homebuyers will have to spend more to renovate their houses to suit individual taste and preference. Also, long delivery period often caused anguish and heartache to homebuyers especially if the project is abandoned halfway through completion. High financing cost and the sell-then-build concept do not favour homebuyers but instead put them in a precarious situation which many are in despair in finding solutions to their problems.
Current method of building houses are quite labour intensive and with building materials having to be transported to building sites, it is definitely a very inefficient way of building which encourages wastage and pilferage. As quality control inspections are usually carried out at building sites, with such extensive area to monitor, most of the time the quality for the final product leaves much to be desired and leakages, cracks and bad workmanship are the usual complaints of the day.
Most homes built the traditional method do not incorporate sustainable living features in them. There is no consideration for using renewable resources to maximize the use of energy efficiently.  Even the basic design of the house does not encourage good air circulation, resulting in homebuyers having to install air condition in practically every room in the house. Owners of double story houses will relate how incredibly hot it is to stay in the second floor during a hot day in Malaysia.

Suggested Solution : We need revolutionary measures to arrest the many problems currently faced in the home building industry. What we need is an eco-friendly  GREEN MODULAR HOME which is prebuilt in sections/components in various factories, built with precision planning and participative decision makings by homeowners themselves and then once completed, the various sections/components are then brought and assembled on site with added eco-friendly features.

GREEN MODULAR HOME will serve to answer the many problems which have been raised above.
1)    Customisation : It is natural for homebuyers to include their own individual taste and preference in the first home they are buying. They will usually wait till the completion of their house before embarking on any renovation which will further added cost to the purchase. Usually the anguish of having to meet contractors after contractors will render such house buying process a dread to many. With the advancement of technology, however, homebuyers can determine the various components they want to be added to the modular structure of their house by mere looking at catalogues. There is even the possibility of using computer simulated 3D programme to mix and match the design they preferred before building the actual modular house just like how they make purchases of their kitchen cabinets and modern wardrobes.
2)   Wastage Reduced :
a.    As components/sections of modular homes are built in factories, using technologies and machines, precise measurements can be made thus reduce wastage from cuttings and trimmings which normally would have occurred by using assortment of handheld tools. Also, as these factories are making similar components many times over, they are experienced to make sure all smaller parts of the cuttings are used efficiently.
b.    Building materials are usually delivered to the building sites and are then left there while construction is in progress. Materials are subjected to theft and wear and loss due to weather. But with modular home, the material used to built components of the modular sections are kept out of rain and shine as they are built in factories. Thus, spoilage is significantly reduced. As components are built without having to rely on weather pattern, this ensures more timely delivery and it enables more efficient planning.
3)   Faster delivery time: As all components/sections of the modular home can be built simultaneously at various locations (factories), assembling the various components/sections at the building site will not take long and this will greatly reduce delivery time. Also, as they are built indoors, without being subject to weather and daylight, flexible working shifts can be arranged to further speed up the production process.
4)   Quality Control : As various factories producing the components/sections are subjected to ISO rules and conditions, stricter quality control of building material and design specification can be met thus producing a higher quality and reliable home as compared to current situation where the quality of workmanship and furnishing sometimes leave much to be desired.
5)   Reduce dependency on foreign manual labours : Current home building methods are quite labour intensive resulting in heavy reliance on foreign workers to sustain the pace of development in the building industry. With the concept of building modular home where components/sections of the home are built using modern technology, we can thus reduce our dependency on foreign labours and concentrate on training and creating a pool of technically skilled and technologically advanced work force.
A more significant aspect of modular home is the incorporation of green eco-friendly concept to its features.
1)    Efficiency – Due to less wastage in terms of maximizing the materials used in construction of modular homes (through use of technology and experience), this has greatly reduced the amount of construction waste material where more often than not, they end up filling large dumpsters and landfills. Sometimes, harmful waste like paints, rusted frames etc ended up seeping into the ground and even to the rivers, causing environmental pollution.
2)   Enviromentally friendly construction process – Currently building methods causing significant disturbances to the soil in the building sites and the surrounding areas especially during rainy seasons. Modular home construction, with it occurring indoors in factories, assembling the home takes much lesser time outdoors, less site disturbances and thus lesser impact to its surrounding areas during the period of construction.
3)   Use of renewable energy and efficient use of energy – Eco-friendly being the theme of the new millennium, enabling customization of homes means home owners can chose environmental friendly design such as :
a)    Slanted roof for better rain water collection to be used in the toilets and garden and thus using treated water only for human consumption.
b)   Use of solar energy to provide electricity for the house thus reducing the dependence on using electricity from the service provider. Solar energy is renewable and thus has lesser impact to the environment compared to the conventional energy.
c)    Grass planting on the roof to act as an insulator to keep the heat off the roof.
d)   Specifically designed roof to ensure circulation of air between the roof and the ceiling
e)    Conjugated roof panel for the soil to ensure smoother flow of rain water without causing significant soil movement on the roof.
f)    Customised doors and windows panel designed to enhance better air movement and ventilation thus reducing the need for air conditioner in the home.
g)    Specifically designed sliding panel for the doors where the doors will slide into the specially designed walls to maximize space.
h)   Use of recycling concept by providing recycling bins and compost heap in every modular home to encourage the use of recycling, reduce and reuse concept.
i)     Use of LED lights in modular homes to reduce usage of electricity and LED lights being non heat producing, thus will help to reduce global warming.
j)    Indoor wall panel for the home are foldable and thus enable valuable space to be added to the home as and when needed.
k)    Ecological green landscaping concept can be used eg planting of trees around the house (back and front included) will help to cool the air surrounding the house and this will help to improve cool air circulation in the house especially during breezy days.
l)     With the concept of maximising space, the garden in the home can be used to plant vegetable organically and can even rear chickens for eggs and meat using moveable coop where the coop can be moved around the garden, using the droppings of the chickens as fertilizer for the soil.

In Summary : It is undeniable that modular home is the modern futuristic way of building homes for Malaysians. It is definitely much faster, more efficient, more affordable and hopefully in time to come with more publicity, more marketable to the younger generations of future Malaysians.


Santa Barbara Green Construction said...

That was a good example for the point you are trying to make. I am a medical student and what I am planning to do when I graduate and have my own clinic is to make sure that I follow-up on my patients and giving their next appointment dates.

Anonymous said...

Good job- very informative. Where can we source such a house?

Joseph Ferguson said...

nice post